advanced rendering for AutoCAD
my team has some trouble with textures and lights scale, I will try to explain what happens:
they setup an interior scene copying objects and lights from another well-working scene. The model scale (meter) is the same for both. In the target scene all textured materials and also the lights power seems to be scaled by a certain factor (sometimes 100 sometimes 1000).
Also loading saved material (working good) sometimes they appear to be scaled.
Note: We use Autodesk Architecture 2009 on a Windows 64 platform (XP and Vista).
Scaling the entire model seems not to be a solution.
Any idea?
Thank you in advance,
mi sembra molto strano. Assicurati che il modello sia molto prossimo all'origine WCS globale. Prova a salvare gli oggetti con il comando wblock (mblocco in italiano) e quindi ad inserirli come xref e non copiandoli da un altro file. Mi viene da pensare che gli oggetti originariamente siano stati scalati.
Check the units again in both models first. Move the model near to the origin 0,0 ,0 WCS.
Ok, the units are ok in both files (we use always the same file to start as a template).
Maybe the origin of the model is the key to success... we will try and keep you informed.
Thank you!
Upload the model if you can't figure it out. Incorrect texture scales are almost always due to a units problem. Check the _INSUNITS system variable against what you think the units should be.