advanced rendering for AutoCAD
I'm not getting something here..........
I am trying to render a pylon shaped object in a shiny metal like stainless steel or chrome and not getting the shine and liquid glossy look.
If I model a sphere and apply a material (AccuRender_nxt_Chrome) it looks like it should.
The same material applied to the pylon renders flat gray.
I am understanding the object needs an hdri to give reflections.
I am using default hdri sky and studio lighting. (nothing else)
What am I missing here?
I believe your pylon as materials attached by object to it. select it and use the properties options to change material assignment to by layer or remove with the widget in the NXT UI under material tab.
I exploded the pylon remove material, assigned new ones, everything works OK. assigning materials by object or by layer
Thanks so much for your replies.
I followed instructions above, but still my pylon is flat gray.
I started a new .dwg
Created a new pylon and sphere
assigned material using acad "materialattach" command
Same results, sphere renders chrome, pylon is flat gray
see attached
No existe un problema, simplemente es que mientras la esfera refleja el entorno HDRi completo, la torre no tiene elemento alguno para reflejar, por lo qeu parece gris aunque posea el reflejo fisico
Try a different HDR-- your pylon is just reflecting a flat area of the map.
I have tried all the hdr's included with NXT.
All the results are similer, the sphere renders, but the flat surfaces remain gray or slightly rose colored with the "grace_probe.hdr".
I have also tried rescaling the pylon larger and smaller, but no difference.
thanks Roy.........
I'm getting closer to understanding.
Aha! filleted edges, I think that is what I was "missing".
The perspective part is also very important when you're reflecting something at infinity from a plane-- otherwise you'll only be hitting a single pixel in the background map.