advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Hi Roy,
I was wondering if there would be Tropical plants and trees eventually for NXT? I live in Florida and it is critical for my work.
Also, can anyone recommend any other tree program (other than Archvision RCP, I have many of those libraries already)
Thank you!
Nothing scheduled at the moment for any tree libs. Can't really comment on "eventually."
OK. Thank you!
Hi Marc, evermotion Vol 85 has a large library in MAX format, but you have to transform this in 3ds file and then assigne all the materials. Its a hard job but excellent quality, usually they are huge models. Here you can see some samples.
wow, very nice.
Thank you for the heads up.
I have a link at home to a bunch of free plants from xfrog. Thsi isn't the link I had, but there are a bunch of free-bees I know I posted the other link here. George had some luck rendering them.