advanced rendering for AutoCAD
I have an interior, which renders fine with Packet Tracer, tried E4 and it stops at 10 passes, time kept runing but the passes are not contining after over an hour, it was still at 10(0) which it arrived at with 4.5 mins.
Stopped the rendering, end AutoCad session and started again. It got pass the 10 and at 18 pass, the same thing happened.
On my third run now and 13 minutes later at pass 22 and still running, why the stop in the first two attempt?
No clue-- you can send the model if you want me to try it out.
Seems to be working now on the third run. So far 216 passes in 2 hours.
Roy Hirshkowitz said:
No clue-- you can send the model if you want me to try it out.