advanced rendering for AutoCAD
I have been working with Accurender faithfully over the last 15 years. I have heard the arguments over that time that Accurender just doesn't produce the images that 3d Viz or some engines do. I have three responses to that argument..
1. I have always felt it's the chef that does the cooking not the appliances. When you allow yourself the time to play with accurender and its settings you can produce incredible images.
2. So easy to get up and running and it is not a system hog
3. Most important is the feedback from this forum. It's a close group of artists and owners who care very much for the incredible program and it's users!
So thank you Accurender... cant wait to see the next round of improvements...
Hi Chris, I agree with your words. Roy is always doing an excellent work and giving us support when we need it , an all the users of this program help each other to make better images.
Me uno a sus comentarios. Soy un fiel admirador del programa NXT. No puedo menos qeu reconocer la labor de Roy, quien siempre esta dispuesto a ayudarnos. Y creo firmemente que en algun tiempo nuestas imagenes seran mejores qeu las de muchos programas similares. Saludos
Here Here Chris
Llevo varios años trabajando con accurender desde la version 3.0 y realmente siempre he obtenido lo que realmente busco el. Aparte de que ahora NXT ofrece una calidad superior de imagen y definicion de materiales, lo mas que me agrada es la cantidad de personas que se encuentran en el foro dispuestos a ayudar y compartrir conocimientos en beneficio de todos los usuarios. Mas alla de esto el soporte individualizado y la atencion mega rapida que obtengo de Roy cada vez que surge una interrogante hacen de NXT uno de los mejores entre los mejores.
I agree with you guys, nXt is objectively the best among the best, for its ergonomics, its quality, the service and the price. No other software will give you so much! From far!!!
One more time, a great thanks to Roy the wizard ;)
I agree...Thanks to all involved.