advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Greetings, I wanted to consult you something about dpi or resolusion AccuRender that works, I have to generate a rendering for a billboard of the building I'm working on, the point is that the person who will do the advertising asks me the file with a resolusion a minimum of 150dpi, and I've really looked at as acurrender and not see or give that value, while setting the size of the image I'm giving in "X = 3500pixel" and "Y = 2000pixel" but not of as dpi is the image generated by the AccuRender ... if I can help with this they are grateful to the soul ....
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You'll need to know the size of the rendering as well--pixels are dots per inch multiplied by # of inches. For example, at 150 dpi, a 10" X 15" rendering is 1500 x 2250 pixels.
Keep in mind that rendering at very high resolution can be very time consuming. You can always "up-sample" a rendering in PhotoShop or Gimp.