advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Hi guys, I am doing a landscpae project, using a lot of RPC plants images, everything works OK until this morning when I Insert some new plants and copy others, from this moment every time I try to render an image the systems hangs up and Autocad and Nxt crashed, I already restar my system, removed all the temporary files, I audited the drawing and everything seems to be OK, the problem always happen when I tried to render an image. Any thoughts?
Could this be a bad RPC image? Is there a limit using RPC images? I am running Nxt 64 Bits. 32 gb Ram I7 processor. Thanks in advance
Send the drawing if you can't figure it out-- use the upload link. If you want to isolate the problem yourself-- start by either deleting the RPCs, or placing them on layers which can be turned off.
I already do that, without RPC everything work´s, with some RPC works, with all the RPC it crashed.
If some works then a particular RPC or bunch of RPCs are the problem. You might need to do them in groups when you get to a group that crash then one by one in the group till you nail down the particular RPC or RPCs.
Only time I experience a freeze or crash is when I purge a drawing with RPC after I must have launch NXT.
Alejandro Testa said:
I already do that, without RPC everything work´s, with some RPC works, with all the RPC it crashed.
Thanks Akin, yesterday I deleted some RPC, and everythig seems to be working.