advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Check the units first-- try _DDUNITS and make sure the insertion units are correct for your drawing scale.
its doing it in all rpc....very strange....i think its a render issue more than rpc issue
Are your objects near to the origin ? WCS 0,0,0
it shouldnt matter....i have had this problem before.... i think the rpc arrow insertion you get when you
insert them stays and create the shape on the surface of floor etc....have you tried it in interior shot?
Check the units and insertion point. It can matter. It can create precision problems in the render engine which can absolutely cause problems such as yours. It could, of course, be something else....
I have this problem before, and usually this happen as a precision problem or when I use some particular RPC. Also when I have this issue I clean all the temp files, and reboot the machine starting again. Hope this help.
i have checked the units...its usual scale....checked the wc`s 0,0,0 its far from the rpc.....
so...there you have it....
If you have time, try moving the model closer to the origin and see if the problem goes away.
still the same result...:(
If you have a chance, upload the drawing and I'll take a look. Moving the thing close to the origin almost always fixes this.
hello didn't work
What didn't work? Did you try to upload the drawing?