advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Hey Roy,
Ive been trying to convert my custom library files from AR4 via the widget and every time i get a FATAL ERROR: Unhandled access violation reading 0x0008 exception at 2bba0966h...
ive tried it multiple times on different library files and each crashes my ACA 2010.
I should note these files are on our network server.. it gets thru maybe a fifth of the way and crashes.
any idea as to what to do?
I don't have any open issues in this area so I'm definitely interested if you've got a crash I can reproduce here. We recently translated some very large libs without incident.
I'd need the material lib that's crashing as well as any textures. I can't really do much about it until I can produce a crash here.
As far as what you can do-- make sure you've got the latest software (download the "Experimental" version if you haven't already-- you can always go back to the "Stable" version.) You could try copying some of the libs locally (textures will probably need to be copied as well.) Splitting the libs up into smaller pieces might work. However, what you're doing should not result in a crash. If it's still crashing I'm very interested.
you might find this interesting (and reproduceable)
when converting my custom library (which is very big) it seemed to crash at that same point everytime..
so i went in in ar4 to look at the last material converted and low and behold there was a blank material (New Material) that i must have created but didnt do anything to, and that is where it failed... so i deleted it and am currently converting again.. it now is too this point and has given me the error report window, but hasnt kicked me out yet.... but it isnt moving on either...
A blank material should not do it-- a corrupted material file certainly could.
Certainly will. I attempted to translate a folder of JPG images and had a quick error and failed. I opened Explorer to look at the images and at least ten would show no image. I went through the folder deleting the bad boys and ran the translator without a hitch.
I may have another clue... i had double quotes " as part of a material name... as in:
8"runnin_bond_grey mtr
i did notice that it kept on converting after it threw autocad an error. (throwing me off as to where it really crashed) eventually acad dumps and everything stops...
im going go thru and rename my materials without " symbol.
i also use, in addition to " symbol, i use
- dashes
_ underscores
, commas
() parantheses
will these cause problems?
I don't think so. Just looking at the code--
" is converted to i (for inches)
/ and \ are converted to -
dashes, underscores, and parens are permitted file name characters.
Hi roy,
sorry to ressurect old threads like this, but im just now getting back around to this issue, just downloaded latest build 259... and tried to convert library. and get same acad crash.... should i send you the .mlib file 400kb (without jpgs) or send something else....
Hi Roy,
Just checkin in... any progress on the .mlib file?