AccuRender nXt

advanced rendering for AutoCAD


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Comment by George Ioannidis on April 9, 2012 at 8:53am

>>every designer who respects himself wares gloves, didn't you know that?>>

No Jan, I did not! Or should I? Oh, I forgot. I am not a designer. Or am I? Damned Lillehammer syndrome. Or was it Alzheimer? Damn.... :D

Comment by kingjin on April 9, 2012 at 5:54am

24 hours of render time is too long, I think you computer configuration is not low it. Feel the E2 engine before much better, rendering don't need such a long time.

Comment by Jan Verzelen on April 9, 2012 at 5:28am

Oh, and about the manual, needless to post it here, it's written in dutch.

Comment by Jan Verzelen on April 9, 2012 at 5:12am

The computer, printer, fax, external disks,routers and all those ugly machines are hidden in the cabinet. The cables are hidden in the hollow tabletop. The middle door moves down when needed.

About the glass table (, every designer who respects himself wares gloves, didn't you know that? ;-)

Comment by George Ioannidis on April 9, 2012 at 4:37am

I've noticed the nXt manual, I knew there is one somewhere out there, just didn't know YOU have it! :D So please, stop your showing off and post it here as PDF or anything ASAP :D

>> did you guess this is a drawing for my new workspace?>>

After a series of logical thoughts. ;) I'd guess that any customer wouldn't pay me for rendering of just single wall design :D One question: where is the computer itself, hidden in the cabinet to the left of the chair or is this any of the new iMac-ish "all-in-one" machines?


Personally, I don't like glass tables, as any fingerprints are visible and it needs to be cleaned all the time. :)

Comment by Jan Verzelen on April 9, 2012 at 4:05am

@Kingjin: this one cooked for about 24 hours with eight light channels.  I'm affraid i'll need a new machine to catch up with all these fine whistles and bells. I don't know if i messed up the background somehow but as Roy mentioned, post processing was the solution here. Actually, i'm struggling a bit with all those new engines. Don't know anymore what does what.

@George: how did you guess this is a drawing for my new workspace? You're right. And what do you think about the fine manual i have on my desk. I'm sure i'm the only person who has one of these.

Comment by kingjin on April 9, 2012 at 3:40am

How many PASS

Comment by Roy Hirshkowitz on April 8, 2012 at 10:04am

kingjin-- you can always do this with alpha compositing-- save the image with an alpha channel mask and blend using photoshop or equivalent.  I will have the color background fixed in e4 soon, but alpha compositing may be a better option anyway.

Comment by George Ioannidis on April 8, 2012 at 9:45am

It's your new workplace Jan? Great, minimalistic design! Very beautiful rendering.

Comment by kingjin on April 8, 2012 at 8:56am

Have to say very good work, but seemed not to support the background picture E4, you out of the window is the background of the how to do it. Thank you.



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V01 - dark 02

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Render 1 copy (1)

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Dec 20, 2023

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