advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Hey Everyone,
Thanks for the add. I just downloaded nXt Render yesterday, and followed the instructions, and no matter what I do, I can't get any of the textures to "stick" to my ACA models. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Kevin P McAuliffe
Have you tried this?
Hey Roy,
Thanks for posting back. I'll be honest. I'm a newbie to Autocad (a year experience), and very, very new to rendering. I'm including a video to show you the problem I'm having. I know it's 100% user error, but I think that this product is right for what I'm trying to do, I just need a little help in the right direction. Thanks for any help you can provide.
Try getting out of 2dwireframe-- click on the thing on the upper left of the viewport and try selecting something else -- wireframe should be fine.
I like going into Stylemanager-- selecting Multi-Purpose Objects->Material Definitions to make the changes.
Make sure you are running this "QK09" version:
And send me that file if you will. You can use this link to send it to us:
I'll see if I can get it to work here.