advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Just for fun, I started plying with free models from ... I just texmeshed them into AutoCAD and fiddled with materials a little.
If anybody wanted, download from here (one of them attached to this post directly)
I did not scale them at all, so maybe putting them to milimeters and improvements in materials (I wasnt thorough at all) might be interesting to prepare them really good and then just use some childlike way it was fun doing it, so enjoy.
Where to put them permanently? accustudio?
Thanks Ros for sharing.
I think it is really necessary that someone with passion and ability in the minimal use of other "star" rendering software could spend a little time in preparing ready-to-use models for our nXt. The world out there is full of .obj, .max, .3ds, .etc files which actually cannot be used as they are in acad. This is the aim Accustudio was born for, but it's a little bit out of date!
if this (nXt ready models) is going to become sort of long term project, let us try to establish basics sharing rules first:
I totally agree with you.
As ready-to-use models I was referring especially to units and materials: unique unit (mm) and embed textures with same textures apart, in order to be able to change color, saturation, etc. without spending much time looking for theright decal, the right texture and so on. I personally won't worry too much about versions: once the model is "out" ready to share, everybody is free to change colors etc.
These models I posted sort of work that way already - you can change the color of the body very easily.
Materials: I forgot to mention that all materials, using embedded textues and being specific for this or that car should have nam starting with the name of the model, and all materials, that are "car default" (tyres, chrome...) should be named like Car-tyre or something...
I am quite curious, what would somebody else tweak from these models out.
Hi Ros,
I've downloaded a number of cars for rendering and my biggest gripe is too many layers. I.E. - FR-TIRE, FL-TIRE, FR-FENDER, FL-FENDER, FR-DOOR, etc.
If the textures are embedded in the drawing, then there is no question that the layer is for the current car. Another words, TIRES, BODY, WINDOW-GLASS, FRAME, HL-LENS, HL-BULB, ETC. should serve. (Does it matter if the tire goes on the right or left for rendering purposes)? Any divisions would be done by the renderer. Saving out a texture would be the time to be specific to the file name,
The biggest nightmare is to open a drawing where all the layers are on the same layer, same color.
Enjoy the day, or night
Hi, Rich.
you hit exactly the stone that makes anyone walking this road to bleed.
My suggestion on how to overcome it is as follows: