advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Importing externally created textured objects like .obj and .3ds files we could have nice and textured, almost-ready-to-render objects. Whilst those objects clearly carry their UV texturing informations, why are we unable to have some kind of UV texturing capabilities in nXt (and not in AutoCAD)? Maybe it would be nice addition to have nice UV editor connected to AutoCAD, capable to unwrap 3D models and map textures to them. Is there any chance to have something like that, Roy?
As great addition to existing mapping possibilities (planar, cubic, spherical).
When you insert textured meshes, the only thing you possibly have to do is to assign texture map to material, as materials are already imported with mesh. You will also notice, that it doesn't matter what scale you give to texture map in material editor (1cm or 10m or whatever), the size and orientation remains the same as it is determined internally, according to UV coordinates the mesh is carrying. Only after converting textured mesh object (single drawing entity) into autocad mesh material starts to behave like ordinary nXt material, but also it will lose its bitmap orientation, scaling and mapping property previously shown. Conclusion - never explode textured meshes, unless you do not need to keep their material mapping attributes. :D
Unlikely. I am, however, willing to improve the textured object import as more people use it.
Products like Blender probably have some UV editing capability. Rhino has some tools, I believe, though not many.
Thank you Roy, it would be nice.