advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Hi everyone,
I currently updated to autocad 2018 with trial version of NXT on win10
after I render the drawing overnight,
my mouse stop responding,
the screen is actually freezing
after around 20 second response 1 click
till I close the render window
Does anyone know whats the problem and how to solve it?
My computer specs -
win10 64bit
memory 32GB
display card Radeon RX 580series
thank you very much
I don't know what could cause that.
There wasn't another window open somewhere else perhaps, waiting for response?
Does this happen if you just render something for a short time?
thanks for your reply
yes, keep waiting for response till I close the render window
is it any different with the new version 1.0.329 & 1.0.358?
or the display card problem?
I don't think there is anything different in the way the rendering dialog works, as far as user interaction is concerned, between the 329 and 358 versions of nXt.
Do you get this same problem, where the mouse stops responding, if you just render a small model for a couple of minutes?