advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Akinlolu had a great resource for free 3ds models but I don't know how to import them while keeping the textures attached. Is there a proper way of doing this or do I need to reapply the jpeg maps?
I can insert the 3ds model via autocad but no textures. When I try inserting through the NXT widgets, under textured mesh objects, Autocad crashes.
I'm using Autocad 2011 and NXT build 249, Win 7 64
Nope-- I haven't changed anything. If the .3ds or .obj has been modeled as separate meshes, exploding will break them apart. Otherwise it won't do anything. With many of these models, the breaks don't occur where you would expect them to. Exploding does retain the texture coords.
Let me get this right on how I should do this. First you suggest I install the newer version 263? This won't overwrite any of my already installed materials will it?
Second, I should insert the 3ds model with the widgets menu(textured mesh objects/add) and reattach the materials?
Will reattaching materials work with the more complex model shapes that aren't just planar or cylindrical?
First it will not overwrite your previous materials.
Second, Yes!
Third you have to give it a try to find out.
Jorge tu los importas desde Max como ,obj y luego los insertas con NXT con los widget textured mesh object??? Tienes algun parametro especial a la hora de importarlo porque yo e tratado lo mismo y cuando trato de insertarlo con los widget no lo logro, entonces lo hago como 3ds pero tengo que adjuntar las texturas manualmente? Podrias postear la imagen con los parametros que utilizas en max para importar .obj solo para ver si estoy cometiendo algun error???