advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Alright, I am working on a new exterior rendering and there are a few issues that I am dealing with. The first issue is the background image, I finally was able to use a background that didn't have the horizon line too high or too low or the image too big...however the background image is fall, brown and overcast. Is there any better backgrounds out there and can someone tell me in super dumb terms on how to adjust the horizon?
Issue number two is the HDRi lighting, I only have a few that work out alright, and I can't find any others to try. I have downloaded all at accustudio and surfed around the forum for more, I think perhaps I am doing something wrong.
Last issue is the grass, is there a better material for grass that doesn't show up so tiled? I think the building looks alright, the people that I put in look ok, the background I had to adjust the sky to blue, I put in some very generic plants, just to put something in, I think I can work with all of that...but the grass looks very flat and needs some help.
Let me know what you think.
I'll take a crack at this since no one else seems to have stepped up.
There are lots of backgrounds out there. It doesn't necessarily matter where the horizon line is on the background, it can be positioned and scaled to suit your needs either in the renderer (hint-- use WalkAbout) or better yet, by using alpha compositing in PhotoShop or eq after the render is complete.
nXt ships with four HDRIs that are good for exteriors, see the Support/Hdr folder. There are some others on this site, see Content and Entourage that are free and suitable for exteriors. Many others available for purchase. The AccuStudio ones are generally not very good. Keep in mind that most exteriors use nXt Exetrior Daylight rather than HDRs. I think this gives better results in most cases.
Search grass for some ideas. This has already been discussed a lot.
Your rendering isn't bad. Make sure you want your glass to look like it's coated (or sandblasted.) It should have shiny reflections otherwise.
I'm sorry, I never thanked you for these. I use the Carpet Displace all the time now. Thank you!
You are welcome.