advanced rendering for AutoCAD
our office pushes for revit
is there a revit version in the pipeline?
There is a shipping product right now. It's not as full-featured as the AutoCAD product but it may meet your needs.
Roy, what are plans with nXt for Revit? Is it going to be as full-featured as the AutoCAD product? We are also planning to switch to Revit and this - not having full nXt there - prevents us from do so:-)
I've answered this question in a lot of detail for you before. Most of the limitations are caused by limitations in Revit's own plugin architecture-- there's nothing I can do about those. The Revit platform may benefit from the nXtStudio (stand-alone) project. I'm not sure yet.
tnx, Roy, for the link.
I had a feeling the nxt for revit was discontinued.
revit is realy a rotten egg, a software which OBLIGES one to draw everithing in 3d is ABYSMAL at 3d modeling. and the native rendering module is slow and unintuitive.
really can't understand how autodesk is reasoning
I wouldn't be so quick to discount it. A lot of people really like Revit. It is a pain in the neck for me-- there's a huge market of architectural models out there that are difficult for me to access.
I agree. BIM model used in Revit saves lots and lots of time you would othervise spend on schedules, lists, BOMs etc. ... on regular projects, there is not THAT much of free modelling, you would rather use stock elements.
nXt studio sounds promising - when could we put our hands on it? btw: would it be possible to release an update with faster algorithm? We have to do some renderings over te weekend that would greatly benefit from it
Very nice rendering.
I don't generally answer scheduling questions. The new daylighting optimizations are coming along nicely. Same goes for the Studio project. In any case, it's always a really bad idea to use the new stuff for production work where there's a deadline involve.
Thanks, credits go to OndraZ from my office.
Also, thanks to the quality of your work, Roy, we always used new stuff on production work and it never caused any trouble - on the contrary.
rosriha, nice pic, is it acad and nxt, or revit and nxt?
Thanks. It is AutoCAD Architecture and nXt
To think most architect here in Nigeria are going crazy about it, especially the lazy ones. Am being forced to join the wagon.