advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Hi all, does anybody know how to use walkabout and flyover movements only with keyboard? Is there any combination of CAPS and arrows keys or Ctrl or whatever? Thanks!
I think you can use the arrow keys in the Walkabout window.
Thanks Peter, I know it is possible to use arrow keys (that's what actually I do when I need to finely set views). But my question was directet to know if the combination of some keys have some effect, as it is not the same moving the view with left or right click on the mouse... (yes, what the difference between left and right click??)
And, are the arrows keys like the left or the right clic?...
The keys on their own work like the left button.
With the shift key pressed tthey work like the right button.
To look up and down use page up and page down.
To pan up and down hold the shift and use page up and page down.
Thanks Peter, it's a really complete and useful explanation.