advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Starting a new thread-- the old one is getting a little crowded.
Here's Jan's with e2 at 30 minutes, 300k pixels. Daylighting only with all settings returned to default. Obviously glow from the tv is still present. I fiddled with the floor a little-- very low sharpness levels are undercounting fresnel reflectivity with this engine-- that accounts for the missing reflections in some glossy materials. So I raised the Sharpness to 0.15 and to compensate lowered the Fresnel to 0.2. This one still has a bit of mottling on some of the diffuse surfaces, but it's on its way.
Here's a path tracing-- the floor is different and it's only run for 15 minutes so don't try too many direct comparisons. I haven't a clue why the saturation is so low-- pretty sure this is a bug. The e2 engine certainly has the colors more correct. The Path Tracer is competitive with the e2 engine in performance for this particular scene-- probably due to the very large window area and many glossy materials.
Thanks Marc-- I won't be able to investigate this until next week. I'm pretty sure I haven't implemented Alpha objects in this one-- although it should still render. If you don't have any objects at all other than the ground plane it probably won't render.
Hi Roy, I'm trying to render a panorama with the new 294/e2 but both 4000 px widht and 2000 px widht crashes.
Hi all! As suggested by Roy, I've run a test at 300000 pixel. This is the result: engine 2, build 294, 6199 passes, 19 hours rendering. There are still some little artifacts on the floor in the foreground and only few of the LED lights appear correct. The glass of the bottle doesn't look really transparent, but it could be due to bad transparency settings in the material.
the transparency setting is definitely different from PT. I'm still struggling to get it right. Is that the pink floyd pig in the air?
Hi Miguel, could you share Algie, please, I need it for my job... Thx
094 E2 click render buttons, AutoCAD automatic exit, this is the reason why?