advanced rendering for AutoCAD
it took me 15min to animate the water.....:)
And was this done with or in nxt?
i rendered image is nxt-everything you see in the image is NXT render
The animation is done in a different software.
How did you do the sea ??? Single images in nxt then aninmated?
Very cool...........
yes just one single image and the other software does the rest.
OK "Animation is done in a different software"
So what is this other software?
ofcourse i can tell you the othersoftware!!!----for small donation to mike makki fund...:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Bold donation done. Cheque beamed up to you (thanks to my StarTrek friends ;-) ). Awaiting the big revelation...
ill send the link to the software tomorrow
Mike, I am building a chapel in your glory in my garden, do you need something more? ;D