advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Hi all...
How can I to get rid of materials I have opened in nXt window (see attached file) and don't want to use them in the scene anymore? So far, the list on my screen is veeeery long.
Any help appreciated.
Thx in advance.
detach the material(s) from the object-layer and use the "purge" command in autocad.
It would be fine to have this possibility in Nxt btw.
Jan, I did what u said. Unfortunately, there are still on the list. I opened materials and DID NOT attach them to any object....
did you check the layers?
I did. Just opened the new dwg file, only "0" layer. Than I've opened 5 materials and tried to get rid of them the way you proposed.
And nothing changed... I can still see the materials on the nXt list.
Jan - see the attached file - no layer assigned materials, ZERO objects in the drawing. All I'm trying to do is to clear the list (marked in red) - I'd like to see nothing in this list... :-)
saving en closing the drawing and reopen it is my last guess. Maybe Roy has better answers.
Jan, in the meantime I did it. :-)
Your last guess works perfectly.
Thank you very much - your ideas were the catalyst... :-)
So: purge the drawing, close nXt window, reopen the file - the list is empty.
well, that's a new lesson for me too. Thanks Ignacio.