AccuRender nXt

advanced rendering for AutoCAD

I've used nXt to insert an obj model.

How do I get it to add the textures?

I've tried adding the folder with the textures to the support paths , but it still doesn't work.

The obj file was downloaded from

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I'll get to this tomorrow morning.  I'll let you know how to edit the obj file using a text editor and how to create the mtl file.

I was able to get to this today.  

I've attached two files-- one is a reduced res version of the texture-- I recommend this for sanity's sake.  The other is an obj mtl material lib file containing a single material.  You can examine it with a text editor if you want to see it-- but it's very simple-- just a material called mei with a reference to the texture.

  1. Place both of these file in the same folder as the obj file (this is important.)
  2. Open the obj file using a text editor-- notepad is fine.
  3. Edit the file by adding two lines near the top to reference your material library-- the top of the file should look like this:

# 3ds Max Wavefront OBJ Exporter v0.97b - (c)2007 guruware
# File Created: 13.09.2016 13:13:12

# object rp_mei_posed_001_30k

mtllib mei.mtl
usemtl mei

v 25.6163 107.1157 -2.4178
v -1.1397 165.3718 2.3217

I've only tested this with ar studio-- if it still doesn't work let me know.  I'll go a little further.


Roy, all I get from yours is a blue statue. However, George's works perfectly.

Another question - is it possible to use the specular maps to change the properties of the different materials e.g. shiny shoes?

Peter, I was able to ad all specular and bump maps in Blender right, but for some reason nXt isn't recognizing it at all. The only texture it passes through is the main diffuse map.

I am thinking of modifying the basic material (with only diffuse color bitmap) adding new layer in nXt trying to pass into it the other maps as well (specular, bump ...), as the model itself is carrying all the necessary UV mapping information (about where to project all related bitmaps on the mesh) I don't know if it is possible, maybe Roy could answer that question.

Hmmm... I'll take a look at this in nXt for AutoCAD when I get a chance.. it should work.

I doubt if the specular maps will work-- I don't think the textured meshes use standard materials.  You are reminding me of why I need to implement specular maps in AR Studio though (they're not there yet.)




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