advanced rendering for AutoCAD
I like it ! I want know how do it ? how a long ? lighting and material ?
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Amigos, creo que no somos los unicos con la inquietud sobre el tiempo de renderizado... Chequen esto...
En mi experiencia, nuestros problemas con el tiempo, son debidos a problemas de iluminacion propios de nuestros modelos. He notado con mis trabajos mas recientes que el manejo de una mejor iluminacion (he estado usando archivos IES, que me han dado resultados satisfactorios) mejoran el rendimiento en menor tiempo para resolver mis modelos, incluso empleando mapas de desplazamiento los caules como sabemos ralentizan el proceso. Otro punto importante es el manejo de los materiales, Peter Milner comento, de manera muy acertada, qeu todos los materiales poseen cierto brillo, al emplear este principio en mis modelos he necesitado menos pases y menos tiempo para qeu se resuelvan satisfactoriamente. Saludos a todos.
George- try one of the GPU-based products out there and see before you start making these sorts of assumptions. There's a lot of hype around these but a lot of problems and limitations. They work great for simple stuff but fall apart when given the sort of complex problems our users present. The programming task is also massive and may require starting again with many limitations. For example not all (or any?) of our existing engines are GPU friendly.
This time is too long , there is no way to accept this time , NXT to improve the rendering speed on the job .
I really didn't realize TV is the new age "contraceptive pill" :D
Yes, farms and other stuff are good, but relatively expensive. I was talking about taking benefit of any existing (and really not expensive) hardware all of us have: the really POWERFUL GPUs. The cost of one good GTX770 is here about 380€. You can then put two of them into a single machine in SLI configuration and could have real rendering beast on (or under) your desk for less than 800€! Hundreds of cores (on lower MHz rate, but literally hundreds of them, 770 has 1536 cores) cannot be beaten by any mean in that price level. NXT must go that direction.
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