advanced rendering for AutoCAD
We posted a new version to fix a problem caused by a change to the locale setting by using iCloud software.
This new version can be downloaded here:
nXtRender for AutoCAD - 32 bit - Version: 0346-NK04:
nXtRender for AutoCAD - 64 bit - Version: 0346-NK04:
Please try this version if you were having any problems with this "iCloud locale" problem.
Thank you.
Sorry...I made a copy an paste mistake.
I fixed the links above and they are working now.
Very good
Aber was gibt es in dieser Version neues?
Welche neuen Sachen sind hinzu gekommen oder welche Fehler sind behoben worden?
The only fix or change in this version is a fix for a a problem caused by a change to the locale setting by using iCloud software.
Only a very few users were affected by this problem, but it was necessary to release a new version quicklyy with this fixed.
OK, I understand.
And when there is again ei ne new version with new additional feature?