advanced rendering for AutoCAD
I haven't used nxt for a while, now I find myself having to do elevational shadows for council. The only problem I have is I do not know how to adjust my setting to be able to show corner of walls . I have attached an example, where I have the correct sun settings and I have done a render run, but I am missing something as the corner of the wall is not defined or showing. Can someone please help me with this asap, Any help would be much appreciated.
The particular sun angles you're using are illuminating both faces pretty equally-- I understand that this is a requirement you can't change.
I would use some skylight-- it will still show the sun shadows clearly but will differentiate surfaces a little better.
Hi Roy, appreciate your reply, do you have some inages or an example of how to use these skylights ? is it located in the lighting ? sorry mate, but if you have a diagram or a visual , it would be much appreciated.
Thanks Peter , Ill give it a go.