advanced rendering for AutoCAD
When only model is displayed in nXt W-A window, the speed of manipulation is almost instant. After opening and displaying of background image, the speed drops down horribly, making any change or orbiting almost impossible. Is anyone else experiencing same speed drop-down? Thanks.
Yes, sure I do experience right the same. That's why I generally use a very low resolution and b/w image to load in the view, but with the same dimensions of the final image that will then be mounted with PS. I really don't know if this helps the dynamic of the walkabout view, but I suppose that loading a 3Mb image is different from loading a 200Kb one.
I'll try that Miguel, thanks.
Perfect image George! What is the rendered part?
The house of course! :D
Just joking... :)
Perfect integration, George. It leads you on the Olympus mount of the software ;))
The WalkAbout display is run by AutoCAD. It's can be pretty slow with background images. You can try putting one in the standard view to verify.
If you use a viewport-based resolution (i.e. by specifying the total number of pixels) it should be exactly the same. If the rendering resolution and your AutoCAD viewport don't have exactly the same aspect ration then it will be different.