advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Here is a home theater room I am designing. I can't figure out how to make the projection screen "glow" or "illuminate". Any suggestions?
It might look a lot better as a light source. Make it an area light, make sure to aim it toward the seats, and check the Use Object Color box. I'm pretty sure this one could look a lot better. Upload it if you want me to take a shot at it.
I am uploading my dwg with associated textures. I am not sure if I upload it here in this message or somewhere else.
This works-- there is an upload link under Support if you want to be more private about it.
like Akin said, tag the projection screen as area light, place a decal on top of it and check the "use object color" box. The screen should illuminate the room with the colors of the decal.
I've had equal results using either method akinlolu mentioned. The monitor on the left has the screen as a light source. The one on the right has the screen as a glow material. Or maybe it's the other way around...... I'll let you guess.
I do turn the color strength down a bit on the glow material decal as needed to make it look good.
Where can I find documentation on how to use lighting channels?