advanced rendering for AutoCAD
Hi Friends.
I want to create some tutorial videos to my students, to show them how to use accurender.
Each video will have an extension between 30 and 50 minutes. I think youtube has a limited lenght of 10 minutes max.
I may also cut the activities and divide them into several 10 minutes units.
I will appreciate your suggestions.
They have extended the time to 15 minutes and you might be able to extend that time a bit more.
I pray these tutorials will be available for us all on the forum too?
I will make them in Spanish first. Later in English, it's a huge and complex task
Hola Farid, saludos que bueno escuchar esto.
again this demonstrates there's an urgent need for somekind of manual. Is there no possibility to start something like wikipedia where everybody can post his knowledge? Looking into the posts on this forum to find some answers is an impossible task tmho
The documentation system is a public Wiki. The last time I started a thread asking who would be interested in contributing I got no responses. If you're interested let me know-- I'll get passwords for everyone who is.
I must have missed this one. of course i'm interested but i'm afraid i consider myself more as a student instead of a teacher, so my contribution would be minimal. I know there are people on this forum who are real experts, so please, stand up ;-)
Looking forward to this all the same. Most on this forum I believe are architects or in a related field like me.