AccuRender nXt

advanced rendering for AutoCAD

Hello !


Can anybody enlighten me, what is happening with the same room rendering it from diffrent camera positions and doors opened / closed (interior daylight, sun is off).


The first problem is:

1) when rendering without the windows is visible - is Ok, but choosing the camera turned against the window - all the interior is like "without the shadows". (I tried to make another room with the same effect - everything is going Ok).

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And the second problem occurs during rendering the bedroom with door to another one room. When this door is opened - everything looks ok, when closed - rendering going without the shadows (like at the first case against  the window)


The same effect happens, but vice versa, when I tried to insert a wall in a completely new interior, with the same constructions:

without wall rendering is going Ok, but with wall looks like no shadows.


It may be to do with what is being considered a daylight source.

I think the automatic setting includes all transparent objects, so it may get confused if you have glass doors or glazed partition.

I always turn the automatic setting off and pick my own daylight sources manually.

Thank you, Peter. I thought about this earlier and tried to use another king of a light source.

But after I divide the window glass into some pieces as the window frame is dividing it, everything started to run perfectly.

Seems like it was my mistake to divide the aperture of window and not to divide the window glass.

Hard to say without seeing the model.  I'd be happy to take a look at it if you're willing.  Upload it here and include instruction on how to reproduce the problem in the comments.
renderings seem to be done using the packetTracer - it seems to be better to use pathTracer for interiors - what happens if you change the engine?
Thank you for an answer, choosing pathTracer gives the better results. Unfortunately it takes too much passes and the result still not satisfy.
Did you get my email response to the file you sent?

Thank you !

If you mean the "3(against the exterior light)path tracer" jpg file - I haven't any response yet.

Only your email message on March 14

Seems that I found one sequence, which gives this effect.

If the room with the big window is divided with the wall near this window, but window glass is big as all the aperture of window and not divided by parts, the rendering gives not so "beautiful" and photorealistic shadows as usually expected.

In my case dividing the window glass solves my problem with rendering.


If this effect was well known earlier, I am sorry for consumption of your time Roy.


But anyway thank you, because nXt is very convenient for me.

I was referring to the March 14 email.


It should still converge to the same solution-- although it may take longer depending on the configuration of the window.  If you've got a scene that you think is "failing", for any reason, definitely send it and I'll take a look.  I need to be able to reproduce the failure here before I can do anything about it.

Here is the scene attached, and you can check the rendering difference, if you like, by choosing one of 2 layers - one common or divided window glass.


Can't allow myself to call this as a "failing", it more seems like the program requires more realistic construction to have more realistic results.


Thank you !





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