advanced rendering for AutoCAD
This is a test.
For the next statement this User, in an effort to get something to show up in the new AccuRender nXt AR5 forum, is conduction this test. This is only a test.
This concluded this test of posting to the AccuRender nXt AR5 forum. If this had been a real post then there would have been something worthwhile to discuss. If this does not work then the silly thing does not work for me.
I appears I can start a new discussion (new post) but I can not reply to an existing discussion thread. The message is "Your response did not match the words. Please try again." - much like some others have reported on the old AR5 forum.
If it is something on the side of office security then there is little I can do as that is not something they change or adjust on a User-by-User basis. It could be a Browser issue, but I doubt that seeing as most everything else appears to work and it is a fully updated IE.