AccuRender nXt

advanced rendering for AutoCAD

Making some progress here.  Old and new algorithms at about 2 hrs.

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Here's what the sunlight channel looks like when isolated, old and new:

Wow... cuando podremos contar con esto en nuestros equipos?

Very impressive, will lighting be effected by this algorithm? Will it work in a mixed lighting environment?

This example has a very small, very bright, patch of sunlight on the floor and the window sill.  The stuff I'm working on right now should handle these sorts of scenes much better.  Other scenes, such as those with a lot of direct sunlight, will not show such dramatic improvements.  Non-daylit scenes and exteriors will be largely unaffected.

I am taking a fresh look at skylight for interiors.  I may be able to improve this a little (not as dramatically, I don't think.)

This will make a massive difference to me.

Thanks Roy.

It may-- I'm going to try it next with a few of your examples...

Indirect is definitely, handled better as seen from underneath the bed and between the curtains and the wall. How many passes is this? 

546 for the new, 693 for the old.  I wouldn't bother comparing them that way though-- both cooked for just over 2 hrs. @ 640 x 480 on my 12 core machine.

great improvement...thanks, Roy.

When could we expect this to be released?

Ahoj Rosťo. To je jak se říká nebe a dudy. Mám dojem, že jsme na správném vlaku :D

Really impressive performance leap Roy. Great work! Any progress on Intellicad branch of nXt?

Careful.  This is only a performance "leap" for a few scenes.  Many scenes will benefit only marginally or not at all.

OK. I welcome any improvement Roy, please don't condemn my enthusiasm :D




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V01 - dark 02

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Render 1 copy (1)

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OYEBANJI EMMANUEL posted a photo

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This is a remake of one of Peter Milner's renders.I dont have the file. I photo-matched the scene in sketchup and rendered with nxt render in autocad.I replicated it.
Dec 18, 2023

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